Intruder on the bridge tells the story of Captain Dyce, a skilled galactic union officer in command of the Ventura, the largest spaceship ever built. Dyce will have to investigate the death of his brother, killed by a mysterious plot that seems to come from the highest ranks of the union. Intruder on the bridge is an adult visual novel with many qualities that make it actually better than others. For example, it can boast of a series of full HD animations over a minute long and a custom galaga like minigame. The player will be able to interact with dozens of characters each with their own peculiarity and history. The decisions made by the player will change the course of events, just enough to guarantee the player many hours of fun. So are you ready to command the starship Ventura? Are you ready to seduce your sexiest officers with your charm? If the answer is yes, you can't miss Intruder on the bridge!